
Charles Sin.C.Y : Portfolio

Charles Sin
I build things for the web.

01. About me

Hello! My name is Charles Sin and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. My interest in web development started back in 2020 when I decided to try editing custom Tumblr themes — turns out hacking together a custom reblog button taught me a lot about HTML & CSS!

Fast-forward to today, and I’ve had the privilege of working at an advertising agency, a start-up, a huge corporation, and a student-led design studio. My main focus these days is building accessible, inclusive products and digital experiences at Upstatement for a variety of clients.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:

  • DevOps
  • Docker
  • Express js
  • Firebase
  • Framer Motion
  • GKE
  • Helm chart
  • Javascript
  • K8s
  • Material UI
  • MongoDB
  • Next js
  • Node js
  • React js
  • Socket.io
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Terraform
  • Typescript

02. Where I have worked?

Senior Engineer

Senior Engineer @Supebtech.asia

Jun 23 - Apr 24

  • Responsible for building, configuring and maintaining continuous integration/continuous delivery CI/CD pipeline to improve the efficiency of software development and deployment
  • Design and implement automation tools and scripts to simplify infrastructure deployment, configuration and management processes
  • Assist the development team to implement agile development practices and achieve rapid iteration and deployment through continuous integration and continuous delivery
  • Integrate and optimize various tools and technologies such as containerization Docker, Kubernetes, configuration management Terraform, Terragrunt and monitoring Datadog, Grafana for automation and process improvement
  • Provide technical support and training to help team members better understand and leverage DevOps processes and tools

03. Some Things I’ve Built


Tech Blog Apps

This project is a technical article that records my personal implementation. I used Confluence before. Since I have no way to share it, I suddenly thought of making a blog myself.

Next 13ContentlayerTailwind CSS


Shortener URL Dashboard

Short URL Dashboard

Vite + ReactAxiosTailwind CSS


Portfolio website

Personal Website V2 Second iteration of my personal website. Designed and developed with a conscious effort to avoid Personal Website V1 Second iteration of my personal website. and Also I add Blog section

Next js 13Tailwind CSSExpress jsMongoDB

Worked Project

Works in collaboration with designers


Finance Dashboard

Build a MERN Finance Dashboard App that has Machine Learning Predictions


Robot Process Automation Dashboard

Build a Automation process front-end Dashboard

Vue 3Tailwind CSSAxioshighcharts-vuepiniavue-flatpickr-componentpiniavue-i18nvue-multiselectvue-routervue3-easy-data-tablevue3-google-signin

The F2E 4th 1st week Event

Implement parallax scrolling interactive website through pure HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and bring a special visual experience through mouse scrolling.

ScrollTriggerCSS AnimationsFont Awesome

The F2E 4th 2nd week Event

Upload and sign PDF files through pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

File Uploader - DropzoneFeather IconCanvasPDF.js

The F2E 4th 3rd week Event

Implement Scrum Novice Village through pure HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Jquery UI

SCSSJquery UIDroppableDraggable

Transportation SPA Website

This project is a transportation spa website.

Next jsNode js

Taiwan Aboriginal Celebration Schedule and Cultural Introduction

List out the celebration schedule of the aborigines in Taiwan and the culture of each tribe

React jsRedux

Frontend Kanban

Using Pure HTML, CSS, Javascript implementation frontend mission kanban

HTMLCSSJavaScriptBootstrapDnDGoogle LoginFirebase AuthFirebase Firestore

Eugene UI Webpage

Frontend UI Collection


Eugene Dashboard

Dashboard Template


Tech Notes

Memorize alot tech post, roadmap and skill.

Nextjs 12CheerioMongoDB

04. What next?

Get In Touch

Although I’m not currently looking for any new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!

Say Hello